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Continuous Penetration Testing

Water-tight security leveraging a proactive security approach to your UAE business

What is Continuous Penetration Testing ?

Continuous penetration testing is a practice of security assessment conducted regularly in contrast to an annual or bi-annual basis. This will be conducted based on the security landscape of your business.

Being a continuous process the business and its applications will be able to stay proactive even from the most recently evolved cybersecurity risks.

continous penetration testing
OWASP Continuous Penetration Testing Framework

Benefits Of Conducting Continuous Penetration Testing

Your UAE business will be able to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital and human threat landscape with the implementation of continuous penetration testing in your organization. Also, it helps to detect and prevent threats early in the product release cycle helping ensure secure practices in phases of development, delivery, testing, and release cycles.

User loyalty and customer trust are other key benefits of continuous penetration testing. The rate of quality ensured software release can also be increased with the same.


The scope of the penetration test will be defined as the initial step. The perimeter of the test, compliance requirements, details about the asset, and the documented approvals shall be discussed and collected by the expert penetration tester from the key decision makers of the organization.

Vulnerability assessment

Regular scanning shall be implemented in the business system leveraging the automated technologies and tailored security software according to the business requirement.


Once the test is completed, the assets are subjected to retesting in which the found vulnerabilities are analyzed and checked for in-depth vulnerabilities in the target system.

Reporting and remediation

Comprehensive documentation that contains the step-by-step process of vulnerability detection along with the proofs shall be shared with your business, along with an expert mitigation process towards effective vulnerability fixation.

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