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Advanced Penetration Testing

Secure business through advanced penetration testing towards the least operational and business disruption.

What is Advanced Penetration Testing

Advanced penetration testing is a more detailed simulation of real-time cyber incidents on your application, network, infrastructure, and assets. It is conducted by highly experienced and proven security experts, the application systems are subjected to assessment, aligning with the data security compliance standards.

Vulnerabilities ranging from basic vulnerability categories such as injection, logical errors, and buffer overflows to the most recent vulnerabilities are evaluated toward securing your UAE business from sophisticated incidents.

advanced penetration testing redteaming
advanced penetration testing

Benefits of Advanced Penetration Testing

With advanced penetration testing, your UAE business will be able to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in your assets and infrastructure before threat actors exploit them.

The detailed insight into security posture is beneficial for key decision-makers to make informed decisions and resource allocations. Being proactive in security brings better customer trust and efficient operations without disruptions in the functioning of the application and the business.


Post the initial communication from your team, our expert penetration testers connect back to define the perimeter of penetration testing in which the details aligning with the type of test shall be detailed.


Once the scope is defined and the agreement is signed, preliminary and detailed vulnerability assessments shall be conducted.


The found vulnerabilities shall be tested to find their impact on your business and in-depth vulnerabilities shall be uncovered in this stage.


Once the test is completed, detailed documentation, tailored according to your requirements shall be generated by our experts which entails the procedure, findings, and proof of vulnerabilities as screenshots, along with effective remediation suggestions.

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